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Faster Loading!
As an artist I want my work and website to be top quality so that is why I am constantly revising I have edited and compressed a couple of things on the website to load faster! These changes are necessary to keep my website up to date. Thank you everyone for the support. I will continue to keep my standards high and post more content for you guys. Best, Giovannie Licea
New Feature!
I'm always working on bringing you a better and up to date experience so I have added a few features! You can now add reviews and checkout more efficiently! I hope you enjoy the new features!  Best,  Giovannie Licea
Shirts and Phone Cases!
Aside from all the recent posts of my shirts, I am now selling iPhone Cases! There's only one design out right now but there will be plenty more in the future. Yes, The wait is finally over! I am now selling shirts and plenty of them as well. I made sure to get every size so no one would miss out on these vibrant T's. I will have winter clothes coming very soon so stay tuned! Thanks for reading.
New Look!
As of today I have remodeled the store to look new and simple! I hope you like the colors! The blue was a bit dated so I decided to go with a mellow green. I will be releasing new prints in the next few days so stay tuned! Â
New products are now available!
Lip series stickers and Mexican Flag Lips prints are now in stock! You guys asked for them and now they are here! I hope you guys like them.Â